Wednesday, February 22, 2012

It's been almost two year's since my last entry. Why did I stop? - it's complicated I tell myself, but the reality is that I felt I ran out of things to say.

Well, tough luck for those of you who enjoyed the silence :) I have plenty of memories and stories to share.

Hope you will enjoy reading about them, as much as I enjoy telling!


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Let the good time's roll...

Ok so this is it, my Jesus year is over. The year of supposed miracles and been and gone and another year commences. What does 34 (yes I am putting it in writing) mean to me? It actually means a lot. For the first time in a very long time I feel liberated, free to do what I want and confident to explore the things in life that truly interest me. Add to this pretty great attitude- if I do say so myself - I have the courage to let go and not become too old for my age!

My Dad just wrote me an email, literally seconds ago, that said ;
"As Grandpa would say "Never grow up" I think what he was tying to tell us was never let the child in us die. At times it's tough to do, but when you get the chance to let him / her play....GO FOR IT."

This is what my 34 years of existence has brought me to. Play, Enjoy, Explore and Embrace what life has to offer up to you.
Good or bad, it all leads to building up to the amazing people we are.

Thanks too all my friends and family, you make each and every day awesome!

All I have to say about turning 34;

You are shaping up to be something amazing, I look forward to letting the good times roll ;)

Monday, March 15, 2010

A spring in her step

I cannot believe that we are the middle of March! Time really does fly these Days!

St Paddy's Day parade was an amazing experience. I was invited to be on a Float and had the time of my life.
But in her true tempest way, my excitement and joy were ripped away with the new of an unfortunate and senseless death of a 19 year old who jumped off another float in the parade and was crushed by the rig that carried him.

Poignant since I feel spring is all about death and rebirth. Obviously there is the budding of trees and plants pushing through the snow, and the grass is starting to grow! But it is entrenched in our culture as well. You only have to consider the two major holidays that take place at this time, Passover and Easter (forgive me if I am omitting any other religious or cultural holidays) which hold extreme importance in their Faiths. And what are they about? Endings and new beginnings to put it simply.

This year marks a fresh start for me. The end of old Familiar things and the homecoming of my true self. While the last few months have covered a myriad of emotions, I find that I am filled with a certain positive energy as I continue on re-discovering the things that are important to me and make me strive to live a better life.

Spring and all of its transformations are clearly in the air as there is a real mixture of excited nervousness and anticipation for what is to come!

I just wanted to take a moment to wish you all a GREAT spring! I hope you all are able to enjoy this season and the vibrancy that comes with it!

Hopefully we will be in great shape for an amazing summer!


Saturday, February 13, 2010

All you need is...

LOVE, that's the theme today, and I feel it's a good one.

I think the most important thing about Love, and all it's varying degrees, is that it has to come from you First. We spend so much time tying to fill material and, emotional voids, that we forget to look at what we already have.
I would argue that 90% of the time, we already have within us what we seek in another person or those objects we seek comfort in. The other 10% just needs a bit of cultivating.

You have to go out and discover these things for yourself.
Being in a healthy relationship (any type of relationship), means that you are bringing something to the table, not just taking from it. Wouldn't you want to present the BEST possible you to that or those other people?

So my challenge to you dear reader is the following:

Figure out what lights you up inside, what brings you joy and utter happiness. When you know what is important then cultivate it, and that small light will become a beacon to others that share the same values, and interests. If you do this, I know You'll find yourself basking in the warm glow of Love.

Here are a few things that I love, I hope you will share some of your ideas with me and other readers.
Happy Valentines Day, from the top, middle and bottom of my heart!

1- Food, I love preparing it, eating it and yes, even occasionally sharing it! Comfort food, gourmand or fast, Food makes me a happy girl!

2-Laughter, whether it's at myself, (which I do often, trust me), by myself or in the company of someone else, It is the quintessential cure for just about anything.

3-Music, god how it can change my mood in an instant! Live music, on my iPod, in a movie, it doesn't matter,the effect takes my breath away! I seem to be transported so effortlessly to another place, and my imagination can really set loose!

4-Dance- obviously goes hand in had with music. I am deeply affected by rhythm and beat, and a good song that gets you wanting to rip up the dance floor is an amazing thing! In another time I think being a choreographer would have been an amazing career choice!

5-Companionship, I am extremely social and thrive off of being around people. Here's the caveat, I am EXTREMELY timid! I suppose that will be something I will work on in 2010! But I am extremely fortunate to have amazing Family and Friends in my life! xoxo

last but not least
6-Affection, I grew up with an abundance of affection, and boy can it make a person feel good! I highly recommend, that the next time you see someone that you make those hello and goodbye hugs last just a few second longer. If that won't warm someones heart then, well ...... maybe food will :)

Monday, February 1, 2010

Winter Shenanigans

Winter and I have a long withstanding Love/Hate relationship. You would think that growing up in Winnipeg(what i am convinced is the coldest place on earth in winter), with -55 degree weather, and 30 second frostbite warnings, that I would be pretty tough skinned when it came to a little cold weather. Well as I recently explained to a friend Canadians -and this Winnipegger in particular-, are afraid of the cold because we remember how much it hurts!

I do have to admit though,that moving to Montreal has really helped to change my perspective on winter. Dare I say that one day we may be in healthy and loving relationship?.. who knows, but the horizon looks bright and clear of sundogs!

This winter I mustered up the courage to attend Igloofest on Jan 30th! It was very cold, but with the help of long johns, snow pants and a few shots of port followed by absinthe, I was ready to take on the challenge!

I am so incredibly happy that I did, this was seriously one of the most amazing winter experiences I have had in a long time! The place was packed and there was very little chance of getting cold. The music was great and the energy that flowed over and through the crowd was infectious.
This is the same group that organizes Picnik Electronic, so I am really excited to check that out this summer!

That same Sunday to warm things up, I was treated to a belated Australia day Feast! I am now officially a fan of fairy Bread, and have had my mind blown away with a beautiful little creation called Poutine Jenga! a truly interactive culinary experience! Seriously! what more could a girl need in life!

Life is good!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Pintx me, I must be dreaming.

I was first exposed to Pintxo's in Valencia Spain when I went I met up with my cousin in 2006.

The idea of being able to try such a huge variety of food all in one seating really get's me excited. I was quick to jump at the opportunity to try out Pintxo's tonight, upon a friends suggestion, and I am so glad that I did!

Tapas and Pintxo's are really similar to one another and quite frankly I have treid to do some research on what the difference is but am coming up a bit empty handed as i have found contradictory definitions.

Suffice it to say, they are small portioned dishes appropriate for a small snack when ordered individually, or good for sharing and orchestrating a richly expressive meal when ordered and shared between a group of people!
Either way, they are tasty, and just thinking about it is making me hungry all over again!

Pintxo's, is located on Roy between Laval and Henri-Julien, and I have to say that this is a wonderful dinning experience!

When you are ordering it is usually suggested to order 5 to 7 dishes. If you decide it share with others you are sure to have a wonderful variety of Dishes! I highly recommend that you do share, because honestly, the only issue that I encountered was on trying to limit my choices to 5!

The service and ambiance are warm and charmingly comfortable, and the presentations simple but delectable.

Pintxo's are generally more expensive but it is a splurge that is worth every penny!
There is also a menu degustation so you can experience their wonderful Plat Principals as well as the Pintxo's!
No matter which way you chose to engage in this culinary voyage to Spain it's an amazing trip!

Restaurant El Pintxo
256 Roy E
Montreal, QC H2W 1M6
(514) 844-0222

4 / 5

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Tiny Beautiful Things

Yesterday I entered into a world that I have not been to in a very long time.

Jewelry making!

I first started making small bracelets out of string and hemp and bead when I was a tween, but never really got into more complex pieces or working with metal and chains. It had been a very long time before I had even looked at doing this, so when a good friend of mine suggested that we try it out, I said sure! At first I was a bit overwhelmed there so many things to chose from! i was immediately drawn to the Swaroski crystals, and got inspired, and we spent a good three hours there! We could have spent another three I am sure, but I was still very happy with the end results.

The staff at this place were really amazing and patient and we were shown some basic techniques. I have to admit that I was pretty sleepy after! I guess it was a good mental exercise!

Here are a couple of my creations, although they were unfinished when I left, I was so inspired that I could not sleep when I got home and stayed up to the wee hours of the morning to finish them off! It's was a truly satisfying endeavor! Check out Bidz on St Denis, if you are feeling that creative bug itching! Happy creating!